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Poems referring to Medicine: International
Alphabetical Master
Abulafia, Todros in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492 Princeton University Press p269 illness and love and weight loss
Adams, Douglas in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy here the Vogon commander kills with his poetry (recent take on ancient theme)
Alhadib, Isaac in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics p428 top stanza: he wants to be a doctor so that he can get money and finger women.
Alahdab, Yitzhaq (same person as above) in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492
Alcman in Greek Lyric Poetry the body, letting go, love (early theme)
Amichai, Yehuda The Selected Poetry of Yehuda Amichai
Anon in The Owl and the Nightingale, Cleanness, St Erkenwald Penguin Classics in Cleanness lines 1089-1100 and et seq (A homily on cleanness). Introduction also
Arbiter, Petronius in Penguin Classics from Dinner with TrimalchioSatyricon senses in XXIX AL650 170-1 and farting in XXXIX AL 473 p174
Arbuthnot, William in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets p319 Know thyself, contains channels theory of body and soul
Lives of the Poets
Attar The Conference of the Birds Penguin Classics
Augustine, St Confessions
Bai Juyi (see Po Chu I)
Bar Hebraeus (Abul Faraj) a 13th century poet/Physician /scholar 1228-1286
du Bellay, Joachim in Slavitt D R (trans.)(2004) Joachim Du Bellay: The Regrets Northwestern UP Sonnets 97 and 98 concern possessed girls in convents, fake healers, hysteria 208-211
Berryman, J in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Homage to Miss Bradstreet (selections from) about psychiatry and childbirth
Boccaccio Decameron in Penguin Classics has introduction about the plague which is very good, also Day One story 10 about a Alberto the great physician
Breedlove, C (Poetry Editor JAMA)(ed.) Uncharted Lives US Anthology
Brings-Plenty, Trevino L in Louis AC (ed.) (2008) Shedding Skins: Four Sioux Poets Michigan State Uni Press focus on alcoholism, violence, loss How to be an Indian Male in the Early 21st Century; To rid the egg (mother escapes forced HIS sterilization, evil doctors in system); Part Gravel, Part Water, All Indian (my body is diseased by civilisation); Lakota language lesson with Benjamin (grandfather after CVA);
Broome, William in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets
Bunimovitch E (ed) and Kates J (trans) (2008) Contemporary Russian Poetry: An Anthology Dalkey Archive p41 complex modern metaphor; p251; p71 see Sedakova
Bunyan, John
Byron, Lord Don Juan Penguin Classics edition: II 13 and 21-3 seasick/lovesick, 64 longevity, 67 meat eating, 76-7 surgeon-cannibal, 213-5 medical metaphor and humour; X 39 et seq
Princeton (Love as a disease, classical renaissance type conceits)
Lusiads Penguin Classics Canto V p136 the sailors get a flesh rotting disease
Campion, Thomas in Schmidt, M (1998) Lives of the Poets Knopf/Weidenfeld UK he was a doctor, little known
*Campo, Rafael book The Poetry Of Healing; also, What the Body Told
Carmina Burana in Parlett D (trans.)(1986) Carmina Burana Penguin Classics CB66 The Steeds of Apollo (suggested title for my book); CB 77 The Dream of the Rose p83, stanza 10-11 and 18-22 (love in monastic era needed Cupid and Venus to excuse it/sidestep religious morality?)(love as disease to be cured by lover MS Benedictine
Chaesam, Pak in McCann D R and Shin, Jowin (trans.)(2006) Princeton News from home (medicine shop with herbs, dying people) 32; Untitled (the morning shaking like a fever) 37; The feeling of the gingko 51; Seeing the fresh green (the youthful killing of things) 49; Spring riverside (man and birth) 63; My poem (vanity, brevity of life) 73; I know the heart of the wild goose (man and tenderness for the newborn) 81; Autumn Sea (gingko, the voice of illness to which we listen intently) 89; Flowers on a dead tree (unsure if this might be a ca breast poem) 91; Songs of death 93; four 4 line poems all medical 105; Small song 127; After an illness 135
Chapman, George in Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets Viking Library The Shadow of Night 130 (humours)
Chipasula, Frank in Penguin African Poems 4th
Christopher, Nicholas
Cicero in (trans) Cicero: Selected Works Penguin Classics p76, letter of 7/11/50 BC, in which he takes a snipe at doctors and money. Nice, but not poetry. Might be useful illustration of an attitude of the time
Clare, John in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets
Cohen, Leonard (song) Teachers doctors as prophets mentioned somewhere (look on net)
*Colquhoun, Greg 3 books The Art Of Walking Upright 1999 An Explanation Of Poetry By My Father 2000 Playing God 2002
Copernicus (says our old Encyclopedia Brittanica 1962 edition) also studied medicine, and practised it. He translated some Epistles and Theophactylus
Cotton, Charles (ed. Ken Robinson) (1983) Selected Poems Fyfield Books. Some poems mention alcohol and its relationship to health Ode p102-4; Contention stanza XVI p119; Poverty stanza I and II p111-4; Clepsydra p104-6; Paraphrased from Anacreon p106-4 (pro-alcohol)
*Coulehan, Jack fr: The Heavenly Ladder The Last Cheap Comfort
Cowley, Abraham in Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets Viking Library Ode to Dr Harvey; his other poem in this collection is also medical
Cowper, William in William Cowper: Selected Poems
(sic) was never found/ a nobler weapon than a
Daniel, Samuel in Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets Viking Library Love is a sicknesse 89
Davies W H The Inquest
Dead Sea Scrolls in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics p186 birth of the Messiah
de la Cruz, Sor Juana Ines in The Golden Age: Poems of the Spanish Renaissance Sonnet 145 a masterpiece of life and death; sonnets 147 and 148 concern the body and love
DePiera, Shelomo in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492
Dickinson, Emily Collected Poems Faber and Faber no 108: Surgeons must be very careful no389 The doctor drives away no457 Sweet safe houses no396 The surgeon vs God no 443 to cover what we are from science and surgery no 470 breath on the glass no572; no 574 personal illness no631?miscarriage no632 the brain 861 is this about medical experiment? 908 suicide of a maid 919 the general urge to relieve suffering 957, 967 pain, afflictions, changes in perception with the passage of time 974 ED stuff! 990 997 Crumbling! 1026 the dying need but little, dear 1036 note on immortality 1046 my nerve in marble lies 1044 A sickness of this world 1049 Pain has but one acquaintance 1100 dying and spirit 1106 we do not know the time we lose 1270 Is Heaven a Physician? 1633 what the surgeon calls alive
Donne, John Holy Sonnets X
Dowson, Ernest in Rodensky L (2006) Decadent Poetry from Wilde to Naidu
Drayton, Michael in Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets Viking Library of the Neighbouring Towne (portrayal of madness, Bedlam, in context of abandoning virtue 123-4
Du Fu (see Tu Fu)
Duhig, Ian (2007) in The Speed of Dark
Dunbar, William no15 As yung Awrora with cristall haile 44; no 23 physicians die too; no 28 trew luve rysis fro the splene; no 29 A paralous sieknes is vane prosperite; no 41 Excess of thocht dois me mischief (and medicine as money stanza 3); no 43 I Maister Andro Kennedy (burlesque on a physician of the court)
Enwright PJ in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin On the death of a child p91
Erba p29 Health Resort (mysterious); p31 has some medical imagery (like many radical, surrealist, 20th
Faiz Ahmad Faiz in Iftikhar A (2010) Modern Poetry of Pakistan Dalkey Archive At the Sinai Valley 57
Fanthorpe, U.A (in admin at a British Hospital) Children Imagining a Hospital The Doctors + others ++
Ford in Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets Viking Library from the Lovers Melancholy 373 Meleander says there is no mirth that has no tinge of madness
Foster, James (2001)
Gabirol, Solomon Ibn in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse
Goethe in Goethe: Selected Poems
Gray, David in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets
Gunn T in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Allegory of the Wolf Boy 158; The wound 151
Habington, William in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets astrologers and phisitians
Hakohen, Joseph in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse a Dr-Poet
Halevi, Yehuda, in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492
Halevi, Judah in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics
Hamburger, Michael (1995) Collected Poems 1941-1994 Anvil Press
Hamilton, Ian in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Last Illness 239
Hapenini, Yedaya in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492 Princeton University Press p278 he might have been a physician. No poems on medicine in the selection, but he may have some?
Henley, William Ernest 1849-1903 in Rodensky L (2006) Decadent Poetry from Wilde to Naidu
Herbert in Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets Viking Library from The Sacrifice 445 (mention of physician heal thyself)
Herrick, Robert in Renaissance Poetry Volume III
Hill, Geoffrey in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin In Memory of Jane Fraser 201-2 (died, froze?)
Hippocrates Aphorisms esp Bk1 No 1 Life is short, art is long
Ho Xuan Huong in Balaban J (trans)(2000) Spring Essence: The Poetry of Ho Xuan Huong Copper Canyon
Hochman, Sandra p15, p7, p14 overblown: she thinks she is a vegetable dreaming on the vine
Holbrook D in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Fingers in the door p114; Unholy marriage 115-6 (car smash); Me and the animals 118
Penguin Classics
Holmes, Oliver Wendell in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets
Holub, Miroslav in (trans.) (ed.) ( ) Miroslav Holub: Selected Poems Penguin Modern European Poets
Horace in (ed. McClatchy J.D.)(2002) Horace: The Odes (various translators) Princeton University Press Ode I iii II ii p113 on dropsy; III 24 p 225 last stanza; II iii we are sacrifices to death; III 22 gods help childbirth
Hsieh Ling Yun in Hinton D (trans) The Mountain Poems of Hsieh Ling Yun p5 healing and the Way; p29 medicinal plants
Hughes, Frieda fr Stonepicker
Hughes, Ted in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Sunstroke 188
I Ching gua 31 Hsien/Xian uses ascending body parts
Ibn Avitor, Yosef, in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492
Ibn Ezra, Avraham, in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492 Princeton University Press p190-1 You whose hearts are asleep
Ibn Falaqera, Shem Tov in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492
Ibn Shahula, Yitzhaq in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492 Princeton University Press: he was a physician. No medical poems in the selection however
Ibn Zabara, Yosef, in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492 Princeton University Press p202 Be a physician, said Time to the fool, and murder men in exchange for a fee; you'll have it better than the angel of death, who has to kill them for free
Isaiah 38 inc Psalm of Hezekiah 5th C BC in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics p163 as well ; 1:2-20 the bodu of Israel is diseased 8th C BC
Japanese Tanka: The Court Poetry of a Golden Age Gurgal T (ed.) (1972) Peter Pauper Press NY no. 2 p32 and no 1 p46
Jeffers, Robinson Selected Poems describes skull De Rerum Virtute I p103 (he studied medicine but did not become a working doctor)
Johnson, Samuel in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets
Kazmi, Nasir in Iftikhar A (2010) Modern Poetry of Pakistan Dalkey Archive He is charming but not perceptive 137
Kipling, Rudyard in Cochrane J (ed.)(1977) Rudyard Kipling: Selected Verse Cholera camp 191-2 (rare example of humorous illness poem, the soldiers attitude in severe adversity); A charm 231; A Pict song 246
La Fontaine in (trans) (ed.) (19 ) La Fontaine: Fables Penguin Classics
Lamentations 4,5 in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics mentions cannibalism; the black skin of famine
Langland, Piers Plowman p227 you that are the doctor of death shall swallow your own medicine
Leopardi in The Broom Vesuvius is a malevolent nurse
Li He in The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry
Li Po in Hinton D (trans.)(1996) The Selected Poems of Li Po New Directions (NDP) Drinking in the
Lorca A Poet in New York Penguin Modern Classics Little Stanton 91-5 (a child 10yo with cancer); Jewish Cemetery 137-141 (doctors)
Lowell, Robert in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Waking in the Blue (also other psychiatry poems in other volumes, later pieces)
Lucretius On the Nature of the Universe an epic poem, at the end, the miasma a cause of disease, from Thucididyes; the plague (end section)
Luke is the catholic saint of Physicians. Chapters 4 and 5 relate the medical miracles of Christ. 4:23 Physician heal thyself;
Luzzato, Ephraim in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse
Maeterlinck Hothouses numerous references to malady of the soul, love is a sickness of 19th c ennui: My Soul 25-7; Hothouse; templates
Manyoshu (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves) no 734 death/illness as moral failures; 758 death; 631-7 old age and illness (there are others not as good I thought on first reading); 831 a medicine hunt
Marvell, Andrew A dialogue between the soul of the body p17 Everyman Ed.
Mayakovsky At the top of my voice note 2: he was employed in making public health posters (but no relevant poems)
McClatchy, JD p145
McMahon, Ted The Uses of Imperfection
de Melo Neto, Joao Cabral (ed. Kadir, D) (1994) Joao Cabral de Melo Neto: Selected Poetry: 1937-1990 Wesleyan Press pp187-9 doctors orders, possibly an alcohol OD
Melville Camoens (in two parts, Before and After)
Middleton C in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Aesthetics p137 (dementia mentioned as ? useful
Milosz C (2003) New and Collected Poems 1931-2001 Ecco
her death in childbirth
Modena, Judah in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics p490 a failed alchemist and poet
Montague, John in A Chosen Light William Carlos Williams 1955 ( about the great man ridiculed as poet)
Moore, Nicholas Song The patient in (ed.) ( ) English and America Surrealist Poetry Penguin
Mueller, Lisel Alive Together p186 Monet refuses the operation; about cataracts and impressionism
Naidu in Rodensky L (2006) Decadent Poetry from Wilde to Naidu
Nash, Ogden joke, end of poem p28; Old Dr Valentine 5 poem pp65-7
Nashe, Thomas in Quiller-Couch, Sir A (ed.) (19 ) The Oxford Book of English Poetry Renaissance Poetry Volume IIIElizabethan and Jacobean Poets
Niazi, Munir in Iftikhar A (2010) Modern Poetry of Pakistan Dalkey Archive I always wait too long 160
Olds, Sharon The Father
Ondaatje, Michael (1991) The Cinnamon Peeler :Selected Poems
The Orkneyinga Saga Chapter 57 has miracles and some medical references pp103-8
Pacheco, Steve in Louis AC (ed.) (2008) Shedding Skins: Four Sioux Poets Michigan State Uni Press Sugar Bowl (diabetes) 46-7
Papyrus Chester Beatty I 2ndnd century BC see wikipedia Chester Beatty Papyri and www.humanistictexts.org/egyptlov.htm
Pick Up (Shih Te) in Red Pine (ed.)(trans) Collected Songs of Cold Mountain Copper Canyon Press poem 17 cures of the Tathagathas. Somewhere in this book is the Chinese story of a king who used cinnabar for immortality and lots of other rare and wonderful medicines, only to poison himself and die young
Pinsky, Robert Sadness and Depression: Dr Frohz; essay in psychiatrists
Pitter, Ruth
Plath, Sylvia Tulips; and in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Lady Lazarus (Herr Doktor, Herr God, Herr Lucifer); Childless woman p 71
Plutarch in Talbert R J A (ed.) (1988, 2005) Plutarch: On Sparta
pp171-5 poems about sickness and old age
Pound, Ezra in Imagist Poetry The Garden 95-6 (emotional anaemia)
Psalms. See separate document, Hebrew Psalms
Qimhi, Yosef, in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492 Princeton University Press pp197-9 various small flippant pieces about body parts, mildly entertaining and epigrammatic
Quevedo, Francisco de in The Golden Age: Poems of the Spanish Renaissance p471 amorous poem
Remos, Moses in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics has a nice elegy, he was executed for poisoning a Christian, awful story
Remos, Moshe (same person as above) in Cole, Peter (ed.) (2007) The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim Spain 950-1492
*Reynolds and Stone, J On Doctoring anthology of poems and other short literature
Riaz, Fahmida in Iftikhar A (2010) Modern Poetry of Pakistan Dalkey Archive
Rieti, Moses da, in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics : physician to Pius II but no medical poems here (but what about his whole oeuvre?)
Rilke in Letter to a Young Poet Penguin Classics 12/08/1904 writes about being patient and doctor to self
Rimbuad in the Penguin Classics edition of poems and letters; see the final letters to his mother and sister.
Robinson E A in Three American Poets
et seq
Roethke, Theodore Faber and Faber Epidermal Macabre 18; Academic 22
St John of the Cross Nims JF (trans.)(1979) The Poems of St John of the Cross U Chicago The Living Flame of Love 23; O Cautery stanza 2 (spiritual love as well as physical portrayed as a wound to be cured; death is to be accepted)
St Vincent Millay, Edna Interim; Suicide
Salinas, Pedro 153-4
Sappho in Greek Lyric Poetry
Sarton, May (1993) Halfway to Silence a book in three parts, of which the 3rd is a long sequence on old age and illness
Sedakova, Olga in Bunimovitch E (ed) and Kates J (trans) (2008) Contemporary Russian Poetry: An Anthology Dalkey Archive
Seferis (ed. Keeley E and Sherrard P) (1995) George Seferis: Collected Poems Princeton University Press
Sexton, Ann ( ) Words for Dr Y p25, and August 17th from Scorpio, bad spider, die (1971) ?; and, in American Poetry the book collection I have, her second poem is on suicide and in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin You, Dr Martin; The Abortion
Shabaza, Shalem in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse
Shakespeare, William as usual a profound source: note there are some scattered notes of mine below, but there is a book of Shakespeare medical quotes: see Foster, James King Lear and dementia Lady Macbeth and neurosis Act V Scene I note following book Foster, James, [compiler]. A doctor's Shakespeare: a collection of medical quotations from Shakespeare. [United States]: Xlibris Corp.; 2001 - A collection of 740 medicine related quotations taken from Shakespeare's plays, sonnets, and long poems. The quotes are organized under medical headings. Includes index of works from which the quotes were taken and a reading list focusing on Shakespeare and medicine. Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene III Friar Laurence making drugs; IV:I Henry IVth I:III Hotspur mentions parmaceti
Shih Te see Pickup
Sidney, Mary (Countess of Pembroke) in (2000) Renaissance Poets Penguin Classics The Triumph of Death 192-202
Signs and Humours UK book of medical poems
Silkin, John in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Death of a son 191-2; The Child 192-4
Simonides in Greek Lyric Poetry The Tragedy of Leaves (youth ignoring decrepitude sickness and death); Invitation to Oblivion (alcohol abuse and melancholia?)
Sisson, C H (1995) Selected Poems New Directions Press
Solomon, 5:2 to 6:3 the Song of Solomon, I am sick with love 5th-4th C BC; was Kierkegaard on about this is the Sickness unto death?
Spenser, Edmund The Fairie Queene I IV lines 18-35 six sins described in terms of illness; I V 36-44 Aesculapius in hell; IV XII l22-6 Apollo King of Leaches, diagnoses love sickness; VI IX 30 Mynd, not body, causes our ills; VI VI 1-7 Leaches craft; slander and healing metaphor in the Blatant Beast; I X 23-8 Patience as a great Leach, the physical requirements of penance
de Sponde, Jean Jean de Sponde: Sonnets of Love and Death Northwestern University Press
Stanghurst, Richard, in (English) Renaissance Poetry Volume III p27 Physic versus God
Stokes, Adrian Penguin Modern Poets (1973) Vol 23 p147
Stone, John (could be confused with Reynolds and Stone, not sure) p63
Sung Yu in Waley A (1947 reprint) 170 Chinese Poems 4th C BC
best medicine.
Symons, Arthur in Rodensky L (2006) Decadent Poetry from Wilde to Naidu
Tabor, Eithne (1951) Sheed and Ward London Whole book is by a depressive inmate Ebb Tide and Jeremiah are the best sections
Taylor, Edward in Schmidt, M (1998) Lives of the Poets Knopf/Weidenfeld UK he was a physician p308
Tchernikovsky, Saul in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics p516 especially. Dr-Poet
Theocritus in (trans.) ( ) Theocritus: Idylls and Epigrams IX Cyclops is addressed to a physician Niciai; no XIII Hylas
Thomas, RS in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Evans; On a line in Sandburg
Tuckerman in Three American Poets Penguin Classics Sonnets first series VII and XI p96, 98 ( melancholia); the escape from this is God XXVIII
Tu Fu (trans. D Hinton) (1989) The Selected Poems of Tu Fu New Directions
Tzarfali in Carmi T (1981) The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse Penguin Classics p454
Vallejo, Cesar Espergesia (born on a day that God was ill) 65; Trice XIV mentions dementia in days of praecox p81; The Windows have Shuddered ( a death) 119-25
Vaughan, Henry Lives of the PoetsRenaissance Poetry Volume III p he was a country doctor in second half of his life, see the bio. No medical poems
Verlaine whole melancholic series
Warm-Water, Luke in Louis AC (ed.) (2008) Shedding Skins: Four Sioux Poets Michigan State Uni Press
Waterhouse, Philip MicroPress Oz July 02 p14
Waters, Joel in Louis AC (ed.) (2008) Shedding Skins: Four Sioux Poets Michigan State Uni Press Rezcars crash (mother abandoned him, O&G metaphors
Webster, John in Elizabethan and Jacobean PoetsLives of the Poets Knopf/Weidenfeld UK
Wei Ying Wu in Pine, Red (trans.) (2009) In Such Hard Times
Wevill D in Alvarez A (ed.)(1962) The New Poetry Penguin Street Stroller p233 (I know/ health comes with facing horror)
Whitehead, Paul in The Cambridge Book of Lesser Poets a laudatory epigram
Whitney, Isabella in Three Renaissance Women Poets Penguin Classics
Wicks, Susan (1994) Open Diagnosis Faber and Faber Whole book a bit closer to lame than subtle, and not generally medical. p54
Wilde, Oscar in Rodensky L (2006) Decadent Poetry from Wilde to Naidu
Williams, William Carlos in Imagist Poetry p122-5 (the rain/ is a kind physician)
Yi Sha (2008) Starve the Poets! Selected Poems Bloodaxe UK
Yoga Sutras: here Patanjali is the composite God figure: the god- physician
updated: 14/04/2013 |